SEIHATSU aims to improve regional environment of factories and contribute to society by environmentally friendly business activity.
・Seihatsu promote carbon neutrality through our business activities and products.
・Compliance to requests which are shown in law, regulations, agreements in any situations.
・We aim to minimize the environmental impact and the use of resources and energy in our manufacturing process. In addition, we work to reduce waste in all processes and continuously improve them.
・Promote the business with environmentally conscious partners from the perspective of green procurement.
・To effectively improve environment, setting the purpose and target about environment. The concrete solutions will be implemented for early achievement. The level of achievement for purpose and target of environment are regularly checked and revised by audit to improve quality of environmental activities.
To encourage the purchasing activity which concerns CSR, SEIHATSU Group sets “The Purchasing policy” and fulfill social responsibility with suppliers for all supply chain.
・For all suppliers, we respect fair, clear, free competition and try to achieve fair trade. Also, we establish the sustainable partnership and mutual trust with suppliers and keep the relationship for developing with an international and long-term perspective.
・We ensure legal compliance and confidentiality. Also, follow though compliance with laws and social norms both internally and internationally.
・In order to fulfill the social responsibility, CSR items such as compliance, Quality and Safety, the environmental protection, Information security, Fair trade, Corporate ethics and Respecting human rights will be concerned for Purchasing activity.
SEIHATSU Group regard the appropriate management of information as an investment for the future. Also, try to protect information from various threats and to maintain and improve security.
・In order to protect all information that we hold and comply with laws, regulations, and other rules related to information security, we will appoint an information security manager and establish a management system that enable us to implement security measures.
・Implement security measures to prevent incidents such as unauthorized access to information assets.
・Provide security education and training to all employees and all of members involved with information assets would be able to perform their works with information literacy.
We are the parts manufacture company that was founded in 1959 and has devoted ourselves to support Japanese manufacturing.
Thanks to customers and everyone’s cooperation and support, we are currently operating business with 5 factories (Tokyo, Nagano, Shizuoka, Saga) in Japan and 1 factory in Thailand (Amata Nakorn Industrial Estate).
The company’s name “Seihatsu” contains founder’s wish that our company enables all employees to be lively and active.
With this founder’s wish, through active discussion and continuous effort, we will do our best to contribute technical innovation of our customers by challenging new technologies.
We will make every effort to contribute society by our corporate activity and aiming to become the company which is liked by our customers.
We would appreciate your support and cooperation in working with us.
Nagano Factory
〒381-3201 411 Hidaka Nakajo, Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture
Nagano 2nd Factory
〒381-3302 3494 Takafu, Ogawa-mura, Kamiminochi-gun, Nagano Prefecture
Shizuoka Factory
〒424-0065 208 Nagasaki, Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture
Kyusyu Factory
〒842-0103 4550 – 51 Omagari, Yoshinogaricho, Kanzaki-gun, Saga Prefecture
FAX : 0952-51-1233